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- Government agencies not on usajobs official websites likert scale


Consequently, a web-based survey was administered to of these CISOs by sending them an email link to the survey. Once the survey was administered, six emails bounced back.

As a result, the survey was administered to a total of 94 potential respondents. Out of the 27 respondents, only eleven of them explicitly identified themselves as Chief Information Security Officers.

Nine respondents indicated their position as Information Security Director. The following sections of this chapter provide details of results obtained from the survey. In my survey, the importance that CISOs attributed to risk management and frequency with which they managed risk was measured by two specific questions.

Question 1. As indicated in table 1. Table 1. Only two of the respondents noted that they were less likely to manage risk on a daily to monthly basis.

Number of Respondents Percent of Respondents Daily 9 Such management is an important responsibility mentioned in the literature review because it uses specific skills that assess threats. The importance of incident response was measured, and is displayed in table 1. These results are also reflected in the responses from one of the participants that noted incident response as moderately important. Amongst other responses, participants indicated that they manage risk as problems come about 7.

Seven participants Only 7. However, Number of Respondents Percent of Respondents Daily 3 CISOs take on the task of budgeting for equipment, software, training, and other information management related activities. Results presented in table 1. Eight Other Two respondents indicated that they engage in budgeting tasks on at least a daily or weekly basis.

Three other Only four of the respondents considered engaging in budget tasks on a monthly Number of Respondents Percent of Respondents Daily 1 3. CISOs reported, as shown in table 1. While As shown in table 1. Six respondents None of the respondents thought that information security was neither not at all important nor slightly important.

One 3. However, there was no clear indication of the exact frequency with which they implemented information security policies. See table 2. In the literature review this section accounted for prior legal polices in place in order for CISOs to integrate information systems through a binding contract. In my survey, an average of Only Equal percentages of participants indicated managing procurements were done on a monthly A total of Number of Respondents Percent of Respondents Daily 4 The same number of participants indicated that they managed contracts on a daily 7.

Small numbers of participants showed that they managed contracts on a monthly Number of Respondents Percent of Respondents Daily 2 7. This view was also reflected in that more than A small number of participants enforced them on a monthly 3.

Other participants also noted that they enforce ethics on a quarterly 3. In contrast, a large number of participants Unfortunately, 8 out 27 participants did not answer how often they manage ethics.

Number of Respondents Percent of Respondents Daily 7 Consistent with participants who answered software development as an extremely important Large numbers of participants also reported software development as a slightly A small number of participants indicated software development as not at all important 3.

See table 3. A small number of participants noted that they developed software on a daily 7. Table 3. Since copyright helps the organization maintain inventory of software and hardware products by ensuring they are up to date, participants were asked to rate the importance of copyright as a technical responsibility.

Nearly half of the respondents thought that copyrights were moderately Less than half of the respondents recorded that copyright was not at all 3. However only two respondents recorded copyright as an extremely important 7.

None of the participants indicated they ensure copyrights on a daily basis. Furthermore an even smaller amount of participants indicated that they ensure copyrights on a weekly basis. CISOs also recorded they ensure copyrights on a monthly 7. Seven participants did not answer how often they ensure copyrights are up to date. About It is important to note that none of the respondents recorded systems acquisitions as not at all important.

In addition, five respondents Two respondents also indicated they acquire software license on a quarterly basis 7. None of the respondents indicated acquiring licensees and software systems as a weekly responsibility. Seven participants did not answer how often they acquire licenses and software systems. The literature presents the importance of career development responsibilities that enable CISOs to grow further in their fields.

Table 4. A little over half of participants responded to the importance of faculty awareness to be a very important There were 3 participants who stated that faculty awareness was slightly 3.

Only two respondents recorded that they trained staff on a daily basis. CISOs are often faced with changing technology, and need to constantly take classes in order to train for new technical skills. CISOs in my survey were asked to rate the importance of technical continuity and indicate how often they update their technical skills. Tables 4. In addition to respondents who rated it an extremely important Some respondents did say that technical continuity was moderately important.

Further, there were zero respondents who rated technical continuity as not at all important or slightly important. It was interesting to see that some CISOs update their skills on a daily 7. Some A similar number of participants recorded updating their technical skills on a monthly There were only two participants who noted that they update their technical skills on the grounds as often as needed.

Seven out of twenty-seven The literature often presented technical skills and verifications as one inclusive definition, but certification alone was often required by the organization. A little over half of the respondents recorded certification as a moderately Some respondents indicated that certifications as a career development tool was slightly important Six of the twenty- seven respondents did not answer this question, and zero percent thought that certification was not at all important as a career development.

Data security presented in the literature was especially important because ensures protection of private information. In addition to respondents that thought data security was very important 7. While a lower percentage 3. Also, none of the respondents thought that data security was slightly important, and See table 5.

It was surprising to see such mixed results amongst participants. Almost one third of the respondents dealt with data security on a daily However, a small number of participants said that they dealt with data security on a monthly Only one participant dealt with data security on an annual 3. Network security is only handled by professionals, and represents an important factor of information security within the organization.

In table 5. A little over half of the participants rated network security as extremely important There was only one participant who rated network security as moderately important.

Furthermore, none of the participants rated network security as not at all important or slightly important. Table 5. Several of the respondents dealt with network security on a daily Six participants Several participants recoded working on network security on other Only one participant noted working on network security on an annual basis.

Number of Respondents Percent of Respondents Daily 6 CISOs were asked to rate the importance of access controls as an information security responsibility. In table 6. Only two respondents noted that they granted access controls as needed by the organization.

Seven of the respondents did not respond to how often they grant access. Number of Respondents Percent of Respondents Daily 12 Only seven respondents About a quarter of the respondents See table 6. Number of Respondents Percent of Respondents Male 13 Only one participant indicated to be between the ages of 25 to 34 3. Further Similarly none of the respondents indicated being under the age of Also, none of the participants indicated being between the ages of 21 to 24 years old.

Seven of the participants did not record their age. Only six participants recorded having just a four-year college degree. Several participants indicated having some college to no degree, and none of the participants said they had a two year college degree.

Several respondents did not answer the college education experience question. Only one participant indicated managing 41 or more employees.

None of the respondents identified managing 21 to 30, and 31 to 40 employees. There were eight of the respondents who did not answer how many employees they managed see table 6. Number of Respondents Percent of Respondents 1 to 20 18 A small percentage of participants indicated they were less than 1 year 3. Seven participants recorded having between 2 to 5 years Nine of the respondents stated they held their current position for 10 plus years, and Table 6.

Number of Respondents Percent of Respondents Less than 1 year 1 3. Results from the previous chapter will be discussed. Finally, this chapter will explain the purpose behind this study, and recommendations for potential research are presented.

Existing literature was used to develop a conceptual framework that organized various responsibilities of Chief Information Security Officers in Texas state agencies. The conceptual framework was used to create a survey and help describe to emerging responsibilities of CISOs identified by the literature.

The literature review introduced responsibilities that were divided into five independent categories. These categories were used to develop the conceptual framework presented in chapter 2.

The first responsibility was managerial and entailed risk management, incident response, budgeting and telecommunications as subcategories. The second category consisted of three sub categories with respect to legal responsibilities, information security polices, procurement and contracts and ethics. Thirdly technical responsibilities had three subcategories which were software development, copyright and system acquisition. The fourth set of career development subcategories include faculty awareness, technical continuity, and certifications.

Finally information security responsibility had data security, network security and access controls as subcategories. A web based survey was administered to CISOs and once the email was sent, only six emails bounced back. Summary of Findings This study suggest that CISOs represented in this study regard various responsibilities as extremely important.

Though the frequency in which some of these responsibility changes according to the needs of the state agency, CISOs are attempting to address the importance of information security protection.

While information security directors also responded to the questionnaire, more than half of the respondents in this study did directly represent the CISO title. It is important to point out that because technology is changing quickly, so are the daily responsibilities of CISOs.

The results showed that CISOs not only take on technical responsibilities, but are having deep concern about information security policies. However, each survey item was individually analyzed and was used to understand the importance each responsibility. In order to describe the important responsibilities of CISOs in Texas state agencies, survey questions where developed that addressed each five categories. A summary of the survey results is presented in table 5.

How often do you manage risk? How often do you train staff? Demographics Gender What is your gender? Degree Years of Experience How many years of experience An overwhelming number of respondents supported risk management, incident response, budget and telecommunication as an important managerial responsibility. This indicates that there is a notion among respondents that recognizes managerial responsibilities as very or extremely important.

Significant numbers of respondents thought Legal responsibilities were very or extremely important. However, survey results contrast with the recent literature which includes software development as part of a CISO responsibilities.

In contrast with technical responsibilities, forty-four percent respondents favored system acquisition as a very or extremely important responsibility. Similarly, thirty percent of respondents indicated copyrights as slightly or moderately important.

Several other interesting finding were revealed through survey results. Respondents thought that faculty awareness and technical continuity were very or extremely important career development responsibilities. In contrast to certifications, fifty six respondents thought such responsibility was slightly or moderately important.

One of the most controversial responsibility was information security related because they deal with classified information. Eighty-nine percent of the respondents thought that data security was very or extremely important.

Seventy percent of respondents indicated that network security was very or extremely important. Recommendations This study can be extended in many different ways in the future. A more nuanced understanding of each responsibility could be undertaken. Also future research can focus on how management controls information security tasks. These categories, however, provide a baseline to which additions can be made.

A comprehensive definition of Chief Information Security Officers truly needs to be developed. As respondents to this survey suggested, director of information security also fall under this job description. Also respondents suggested that development of software technical responsibilities were part of other divisions of the state agency. Technical responsibilities in public information systems should be further investigated though the MPA programs.

Additionally, it would be important to improve on emerging responsibilities. What were the exact responsibilities of CISOs before? When did the shift towards managerial positions begin? Though the literature touches on the budgetary allocations, future research can also look at the amount of money spent on programs used to improve information security systems.

CISOs should reflect on whether or not information security projects actually enhance security systems. If requesting a budget does not push the agency to spend on cybercrime protection, CISOs should question the importance they place on information systems. The Practice of Social Research. The practice of social research 10 ed. Data Security Management, 26 2 ,1. Caruson, K. Journal Of Urban Affairs, Coronado , A.

Cunningham , J. A Public-Private Approach to Cybersecurity. NACD Directorship, pp. Diane, R. Why Customized Cybersecuirty Training is Essential.

Don, H. National Association of State Chief Information. Epstein, A. Thinking Strategically About Cyber Risk. Fang, X. The Journal of Computer Infotmaiton Systems, 46 1 , Fitzgerald, T. CRC Press. Goodyear , M. Goodyear, M. Havelka, D. The Journal of Computer Information Systems, 50 2 , Cybersecurity information sharing between public—private sector agencies. Retrieved September 13, Kim, S. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 8 Kouns, B.

IT Governance Pub. MacManus , S. Cybersecurity at local governments level:balancing demands for transparency and privacy rights. Journal of Urban Affairs, 35 4 , Migga Kizza, J. Computer Network Security and Cyber Ethics.

Jefferson, N. Northcutt, S. IT ethics handbook. Rockland, MA. First on CNN: U. GAO Reports pp. Ritchey, D. The Information Chief. Schooner, S. Desiderata: Objectives for a system of government contract law. Public Procurement Law Review, 11, Shields, P. A playbook for research methods: Integrating conceptual framewoks and project managment. New Forums Press. Thompson, N. Define a framework for collecting common customer metrics, measures and outcomes within and across channels; require every program to regularly measure customer satisfaction and act on customer feedback.

Develop a Digital Business Strategy that embraces an improved customer experience, and empower and fund your digital services team to modernize agency websites and online systems to take advantage of new technologies.

Collaborate internally, and with other agencies and stakeholders, to improve the overall government customer experience. Have feedback or questions? Send us an email at digitalgov gsa. Join 60, others in government and sign-up for our newsletter — a round-up of the best digital news in government and across our field.

An official website of the U. General Services Administration. Skip to main content Official websites use. Strategy Make the customer experience a strategic priority for your entire organization. Yup, you want to look at the pay band. These are the yearly pay rates that are applicable to most salaried federal employees within this region, based on their GS Grade and Step.

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Salary plans are determined on an annual basis and salary advancement is not guaranteed. The example above sounds like being over a GS step 4 would give you credit as a 14 which is not correct. Form 7-Objection and self Deletion. It consists of 15 grades, from GS-1 to GS If you are someone who have applied. Some employers may quote you a "package" salary which includes their contribution to your KiwiSaver. The locality pay adjustment is a bonus on top of the base salary. Bookmark your favorite manga from out website mangaclash.

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The advantage here is that in the GS system getting a GS is hard, but in the payband system you can get to be considered a GS equivalent easier. Locality Adjustments are used to account for higher costs of living in Hill Air Force Base, and to keep government salaries competitive with comparable private. The Defense Contract Management Agency provides contract administration services for the Department of Defense, other federal organizations and international partners, and is an essential part of the acquisition process from pre-award to sustainment.

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30 Likert Scale Questions & Examples for .Customer Experience Toolkit –

  On the morning of June 23, CNN announced that hackers targeted 18 million Americans who applied to or work for federal jobs. Systems acquisition procedures ensure that newly acquired systems do not violate existing security policies by working through contracting and procurement processes. Legal 2. Large numbers of participants also reported software development as a slightly    



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